
Parish Nursing Alberta

The opportunity to attend the 2023 International Nursing Congress in Montreal this past July is one not soon to be forgotten. Joining some 6000 other nurses from over 140 countries around the world wa...


Suffering & Spirituality: Clinical Practices that Promote Healing Workshop

Parish Nursing Alberta

The Spirit of God was palpable for the participants of the Suffering & Spirituality workshop which took place in Montreal on Friday, June 30, 2023. There were 44 participants in person and 27 on Z...


Here I am Lord: Reflections on Being a Parish Nurse

Parish Nursing Alberta

Joanne Olson, September 26, 2021 Did you know that the gospels have 72 accounts of healing – about one fifth of the total content? Jesus’ life of caring for human health is the basis for the chu...


For Such a Time as This

Parish Nursing Alberta

The year 2020 marks 200 years since Florence Nightingale was born and as such the World Health Organization has named this year the Year of the Nurse and Midwife.  In those 200 years, we have seen nur...


Ministry of Presence – PN by RN

Parish Nursing Alberta

The following is a Blog post by author Jesse Edgington, who serves as the coordinator for the Christian Reformed Church’s Northern Alberta Diaconal Conference.  The NADC’s work is to encourage churche...


Next Meeting

Parish Nursing Alberta

Saturday April 25, 2020 9:30am by Zoom Contact Kathy kathy@rivercommunity.ca for details


Mennonite Brethren Herald: Nursing the Body of Christ

Parish Nursing Alberta

Here at Parish Nursing Alberta, we like to provide as many quality resources as we can. Below is a link to a wonderful article that helps explain the immense role a Parish Nurse plays in the congregat...


Opening Minds Through Arts Program: A Story

Parish Nursing Alberta

Attending the Parish Nursing interest group meeting gives opportunity to hear about what some nurses are up to in the province. I have long had a burning question that I continue to explore: “What hap...


Elaine Domning

Parish Nursing Alberta

After practicing as a parish nurse for 7 years my position at the church ended since the church leadership was restructured. Consequently, I began to explore and see where I might serve and use my par...


20 Years!

Parish Nursing Alberta

Are you ready to experience some western hospitality? Because we are sure busy getting ready to host a wonderful party here in Edmonton!  The Canadian Association for Parish Nursing Ministry will be 2...